Tonight as I was seeking God and asking Him what to write about on this blog, all I could think about was pain and suffering. Especially those who are suffering in Chile today after the massive earthquake hit there.
Do you have days when you feel wronged?
How about hurt when a well-deserved apology isn't offered by the one who hurt you?
Here's another one. How about when you feel overwhelmed and can't tell up from down?
In the long run, God still holds us. When the end of our days arrive and we look back, it'll all be small stuff. It may not seem small today, but in reality it probably is minute in the scheme of things.
The people in Chile must feel so many things right now. They have questions. They wonder if their loved ones are alive. They are homeless. They are hungry. They are desperate for God.
This evening, let's let our prayer focus be on their needs, not our own. Our own hurts, pain and suffering are surely very minor compared to theirs. May God be very real and present in Chile tonight.