"April showers bring May flowers" We've all heard that saying. Here in Far West Texas, we're very short on rain and are experiencing a drought. So what does this have to do with us as Christians? Well consider this ~ all of us go through a spiritual drought or dry spell, don't we?
What happens during this spiritual drought? Maybe we cry. Perhaps we sigh. Oftentimes we cry out to God to save us from the wreck we're in. Our tears and prayers are always acknowledged by the One who created us. He never turns His back on us. Maybe we think He does at times, but that's just the mean 'ol devil tricking us into turning our praises from God and having a field day while we whine.
Each cry, each tear, each prayer are received by God as he tenderly holds us together. He knows our every need before we do, and He sees our future and knows just where He wants us. He uses the tough moments to help us grow, just like May flowers. Sometimes He doses us with His brand of miracle grow when necessary. All in all, God is so good!
I'd like to encourage you if you feel you're in a slump or are desperate for Jesus today. He loves you so much! Recall the Easter story. The people who loved Him the most and believed that He was the Messiah watched Him die a horrific death. Can you imagine their anguish? When He'd conquered death and was resurrected, He personally met Mary Magdalene face to face. Imagine her utter joy as she realized who He was! Just as we prepared for the Easter season with Lent and then celebrated His resurrection from the grave doesn't mean our story ends there.
He desires to meet us face to face.
He wants to quench our thirst.
He wants to create a downpour of His love to fall upon our dry, brittle ground and raise up in us a song of praise.
Now's your time to bloom!